- მწარმოებელი: MARTINEX
- კატეგორიები: ქიმიური პილინგები
- კოდი: BY405
Salicylic peeling has a high degree of penetration and has a keratolytic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The popularity of salicylic peels in the second half of the twentieth century made it possible to accumulate a large amount of information about their effectiveness and consequences of their use. Due to this, the early and long-term consequences of these peels are now well predictable. The drugs are used to treat oily and problem skin, various forms of seborrhea, acne and post-acne.
Indications for use
- Seborrhea
- Acne
- Actinic hyperkeratosis
- Skin microrelief disorders
- Senile Lentigines
- Actinic hyperkeratosis
- Aging skin
- Acne scars
Advantages - Ideal for patients with problem skin
- Safe for patients with dark skin
- Long-term consequences of drug use are predictable